Since the festival ended, the farmers unleashed their cows upon the helpless flowers, allowing them to graze. The cows were going nuts! It was like Halloween for them hunting down sunflower seeds and chowing down. They were also very vocal! I was giggling like a little girl remembering the toys I used to play with as a child "a cow says....moooooooo". They certainly do! What a fun day! Click here for more pics from the farm if you're interested.

Here's the link to the Sunflowers For Wishes page. You have to check it out next year! I love exploring Connecticut so tell be about your favorite places to visit in the comment section below(nature, food, whatever)!
amazing story--everyone should support this fine cause and come out w/ camera in hand to view theses amazing sunflowers,,,can u imagine if more farms did this as well???
I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
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