I'm an Emmy Award Winning meteorologist at Fox 61 in Hartford. For the latest forecast updates (and fun stuff too, like food and family pics), please follow me on Facebook, twitter and instagram. I look forward to interacting with you there!


Monday, July 5, 2010

Connecticut Heat Wave

Windsor Locks:
Monday: 94 degrees
Tuesday:97 degrees

Monday: 97 degrees
Tuesday: 93 degrees

One more day of temperatures in the 90s and we have an "official" heat-wave on our hands. Wednesday some places will get climb into the triple digits! So the "heat wave" title shouldn't be a problem. We could also challenge the current record high temperatures.

The record high in Windsor Locks Wednesday is 99, set in 1999
The record high in Bridgeport Wednesday is 98, set in 1999

Here are some heat wave stats I took from the National Weather Service:

The last 100 degree day in Hartford: August 2, 2006
The longest heat wave: 10 days starting July 24, 1995
Most recent heat wave: 7 days starting August 15, 2009
The state record high temperature: 106 degrees set in Danbury on July 15, 1995

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