A FLOOD WARNING continues in Brookfield for the Still River until Wednesday Morning. The river is currently (as of 8 am), two feet above flood stage. The river is expected to crest two and a half feet above flood stage.
A FLOOD WARNING is in effect for the Housatonic River at Stevenson Dam. Flood stage is 11' and the river is expected to crest at 12.3 feet around 2 A.M. Wednesday.The river is forecast to fall below flood stage Wednesday after 4 P.M. At 11.5', water begins to reach the Maple Hills area of Shelton.

A FLOOD WARNING is in effect for the Housatonic River at Gaylordsville from this afternoon until further notice. Flood Stage is 8 feet and the river is expected to continue to rise until to near 9.4 feet by 8 P.M Wednesday. At 9.5 feet, the water reaches businesses on the low side of Spring Street.

A FLOOD WATCH means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. There is a Flood Watch in effect for Litchfield County. The combination of a nearly saturated ground, streams at already elevated levels, and moderate to heavy rainfall could result in flooding. The watch is not just "watching" rivers but also poor drainage areas and low lying areas.
There are no warnings out for the Connecticut River at Hartford but I'm concerned about some minor flooding because right now the Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service is expected to crest well above flood stage. Take a look:

Flood Stage is 16 ft and the forecast by Thursday morning puts the river at 21.6 ft. Here is a chart detailing the effects of river flooding according to river height.
Recreational boaters may need to secure their boats as the river elevation exceeds some docks. Swift river flows will also cause increasingly difficult sailing conditions.
Minor flooding is expected in several low lying areas outside levee protection in Hartford...as well as downstream through Wethersfield and Glastonbury.
Recreational boaters should secure their boats at this time. Some docks will be inaccessible due to the river elevation...and swift river flows will make sailing conditions difficult.
Lowland flooding is expected along the Connecticut River from Hartford through Wethersfield and Glastonbury...primarily outside of levee protection. This will affect several riverside roadways as well as several park and recreational facilities.
Flooding of low lying areas below Hartford is expected...especially in areas that are outside of levee protection. Flooding also affects low lying areas upstream of Hartford...including a portion of Windsor where the Farmington River empties into the Connecticut River. In addition...swift river flows may disrupt some cross river ferry services.
Flooding is expected along the river in portions of Wethersfield...Glastonbury... Rocky hill and Cromwell. The high waters and swift flows will disrupt some cross river ferry services. Upstream of Hartford...flooding will continue to affect portions of Windsor. Immediate river roads may become impassable in all of these communities.
Flooding affects some residential areas below Hartford through rocky hill...including some roadways. Upstream of Hartford... Flooding is likely to affect Windsor locks...east Windsor and Windsor. Should localized evacuations be necessary...act quickly. Know alternate routes for travel in your location should roads along the river become flooded and impassable.
The Connecticut River at Middletown is also expected to experience some moderate flooding. Flood stage is 8 feet and the forecast crest is at 11.8 feet by Thursday morning.

Flooding is likely in the vicinity of meadow road/rt 17a in the gildersleeve section of Portland. A portion of this roadway will likely be closed. This includes the exchange club of Portland fairgrounds. Boating interests should prepare for a period of swift river flows during this period.
Flooding is expected in low lying sections of the Connecticut River from Wethersfield and Glastonbury downstream through Cromwell...Middletown and Portland. Boating interests should prepare for a period of swift river flows.
Flooding closes most of meadow road/rt 17a in the Gildersleeve section of Portland. Flooding impacts the Middletown marina and meadow farms. In Cromwell...portions of river road will be closed. In rocky hill...parts of meadow road will be impassable for a time. Flooding continues along the river southward through Essex.
Flooding continues to overspread sections of Portland and Middletown...as well as downstream towns including Chester and Essex. Some immediate river roads will be impassable. In Cromwell this usually impacts portions of river road. In rocky hill... Portions of meadow road will become impassable.
The Housatnic river at Falls Village is expected to crest at 7.8 feet Wedensday night. Flood stage is 6.0 feet.

The Housatonic river begins to flood the park above falls village dam...and water begins to flow into the fields of white hollow farms near Limerock Road...and is at the edge of the Housatonic valley regional high school fields.
The water reaches riverside road at kent school and floods the picnic area along route 7 near Housatonic meadows.
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