The month of December is characterized by falling daily high temperatures (thank you captain obvious). Daily high temps decreasing from 46°F to 38°F over the course of the month. Daily low temperatures range from 24°F to 31°F.
Daily High and Low Temperature in December

Fraction of Time Spent in Various Temperature Bands in DecemberThe average fraction of time spent in various temperature bands: frigid (below 15°F), freezing (15°F to 32°F), cold (32°F to 50°F), cool (50°F to 65°F). Notice the average amount of time we spend below freezing increases throughout the month.
Types of Precipitation Throughout December Relative frequency of various types of precipitation over the course of a typical December.
Light rain is the most severe precipitation observed during 29% of those days with precipitation. It is most likely around December 1, when it is observed during 17% of all days.
Light snow is the most severe precipitation observed during 28% of those days with precipitation. It is most likely around December 31, when it is observed during 18% of all days.
Moderate rain is the most severe precipitation observed during 16% of those days with precipitation. It is most likely around December 2, when it is observed during 9% of all days.
Moderate snow is the most severe precipitation observed during 12% of those days with precipitation. It is most likely around December 31, when it is observed during 8% of all days.
Probability of Snow Fall Being Reported in a Given Day in December

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